In a groundbreaking collaboration, Ericsson and Rogers Communications have deployed Canada’s first Ericsson Private 5G network at NORCAT’s mine in Sudbury, Ontario. The goal of this installation is to encourage innovation and pave the way for smart mines of the future.
Smart Mining hinges on the 5G connectivity provided by private cellular networks, which enable safer, more productive, and sustainable mining operations. Ensuring seamless connectivity, even a mile underground, is crucial for both human and nonhuman activities. 5G private networks’ high-performance, low-latency connectivity allows mines to leverage autonomous vehicles, remote-controlled drilling, and advanced IoT applications – which Wi-Fi alone simply cannot provide.
Initially deployed in 2022 and now enhanced with Ericsson’s EP5G technology, the private network at NORCAT has state of the art, reliable, stable, secure and high-performance 5G connectivity both underground and above ground.
“The NORCAT Underground Centre provides an extraordinary platform for companies worldwide to showcase their cutting-edge technologies in a real operating mine, shaping the future of the mining industry. Using this ‘active laboratory,’ NORCAT helps connect mining technology companies – the builders of innovation and global mining companies – the buyers of innovation, creating an ecosystem like no other in the world,” says Don Duval, NORCAT’s CEO.
“The Ericsson and Rogers partnership demonstrates the importance and value of collaboration for a sustainable mining impact.”
“Rogers and Ericsson have worked together for more than 35 years, bringing world-class wireless infrastructure to Canadians. Every industry is looking for operational efficiency, and if you develop or rely on technology for mining, NORCAT is where you go to test and certify products that work within a real-world environment” says Adam Burley, Director IoT and Wireless Private Networks, Rogers. “Having private 5G network connectivity at NORCAT helps push the mining community forward.”