The annual AME Roundup mining and exploration conference in Vancouver attracts companies, investors, governments and vendors from across western Canada, Alaska and beyond, including hundreds of people from the Yukon.
CBC News spoke with some of the Yukon First Nation leaders who were in attendance this year about why they were at the conference and the conversations, topics and issues at the top of their minds.
In a joint interview, First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun (FNNND) Chief Dawna Hope and Tr’ondëk Hwechin Hähkè Darren Taylor emphasized that mining and exploration need to be done better, and in true partnership with local First Nations.
“We ultimately know that we need mining — we have cars, computers,” Hope said.
“However, we should respect those resources for their value and not just for a few to make millions upon millions and then walk away, leaving taxpayers with the cleanup bill and a toxic legacy for me to pass on to my generations.”
Taylor urged the Yukon and federal governments to get on with land use plans and the new minerals legislation, which, when in place, would establish clear standards and rules for everyone to follow.