Join the 4500 + employers already working with WSIB’s Health and Safety Excellence program to make Ontario the safest place in Canada to work and live.
WSIB has recently exceeded over 1 million employees covered by HSEP and has provided over 60 MILLION in rebates since the program’s inception in 2019.
WSIB is providing significant rebates for those who join HSEp and implement topics chosen from a list of 39 topics to choose from.
Some smaller businesses have received up to $10,000 in rebates for completing a cycle with 5 topics added to their H&S policies and procedures. ($2,000 per topic or up to 200% of the premiums paid in the previous year).
Larger businesses will also be pleased with the offerings, as rebates will be based on the premiums paid in 2023.
The HSE program is VERY flexible and non-punitive. More will be discussed in the webinar.
Click on the event link to learn more or to register. Free for MineConnect members.